Friday, June 15, 2012

February - Hearts Day at Work

This month I will not be going out of town. My calendar suggests that I go out with college friends within Manila since one of our friends from the States is coming over for a short visit but on top of that our company also had its Valentine celebration which will be my highlight for this month's blog.
Club GXS had its Valentine’s Day special with the theme “Your Heart, My Song.” They organized different activities to make GXS employees feel that love is indeed in the air:  
-          They made it easier for our employees to get a present for their loved ones through their Valentine’s Day Merchandise, which was made available at very reasonable prices.  There were of course the usual flowers, bears, chocolates and cupcakes- simple gifts that can make everyone smile.

-          Nothing beats a love note written on paper with You’ve Got Mail: Delivered to you Straight from the Heart. Employees had a chance to write the words “I love you” on Valentine’s cards and sweep their girlfriends/ boyfriends off their feet.                                            

-          What better way to show your being a certified Don Romantico aside from poetry and songs? Club GXS brought this alive with the good old classic “Harana,” a Filipino tradition in which men sing while their lady love listens and looks at them from the balcony. There was no balcony though and it was not under the moon light. Club GXS formed a group who went around different workstations to serenade some of our employees.  It was lovely to once again hear those ‘80s love songs and to watch the expressions of some of our colleagues when they see the singing group approach them.

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